Friday, November 5, 2010

Hanging basket

I went to Canberra for the annual Floriade show. It's the biggest flower show in the Southern Hemisphere and I love flowers. Entry was free! There were LOTS of pretty and colourful flowers, most of them tulips. They were meant to be of patterns, one was of two elephants, when you looked at them from an aerial view, but I didn't see the patterns. There were also exhibitors' tents, market-like stalls selling candles, dessert-looking soaps, women's clothing, essence oils etc. There was a circus section with ferris wheel and other rides, and free competitions. One of the competitions was painting ceramic gnomes. Another one was creating hanging baskets from pot plants. I did the hanging basket one and brought it on the plane back to Sydney!

I couldn't believe it was free!! It was really beautiful and I'm glad I went to Canberra for this.

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